Etcetera. In Latin, of course. Wiktionary, an online free dictionary that is written by people from around the world, even has a reference sourced from the State of Iowa to “edsedra”. I then discovered that there is an individual on Facebook who is registered under the name of Ed Sedra. Now, that deserves a high-five for creativity. But, we are getting off track. Click around the page here and discover, discover, discover. Have fun.
How Many?
Nobody knows how many millions of smiles have been sparked by the elephants that have greeted passersby on the South Service Road in Beamsville for so many years. Give them a wave the next time you drive by Niagara-bound on the QEW.
How Many?Somebody gave me a Brownie
When I was six years old, somebody gave me a Kodak Baby Brownie Special. Even at the time, I figured I was a pretty lucky guy to have this trophy camera. I discovered recently that the camera retailed for $1.25 at the time and, in fact, had stopped production when it was given to me. Imagine, already I was a collector.
Unexpected in journalism class
Looking at these photos sometimes takes me back to my days in journalism school in the ‘60s. I know. I know. That was a long, long time ago. Anyway, I was in the first journalism class offered at Niagara College in Southern Ontario and you could say that we were the guinea pigs.
MOREKen Cherney – who?
I have discovered that my most powerful expression as a photographer is strength in colour. More often than not, I am drawn to the energy that is expressed through a lusty and forceful blend of colours.
Now, I admit there are moments when I have to exercise restraint to allow the spirit of a softer image to show through without the distraction of stronger colours. Sometimes, these are ideal moments to allow photographs to transform into pseudo-works of watercolour or oil paint. Through some digital wizardry and a dash of creativity, some of my photos become…well…almost paintings. I will be the first to say that nothing will replace the magic that the human hand can create with a brush or a palette knife on canvas. The manipulation of pixels in a computer will never equal that charm. The fact is that the transformation of a very good photograph into an interesting and different kind of work of art is the result of a sleight of hand, imagination and buckets of creativity. Only a select few images lend themselves to this kind of manipulation. And yes, there is a thrill that comes with that creation.
My early years as a photographer were as a photographer and reporter for a daily newspaper. In that role I learned to have a keen eye for what has become known today as ‘street photography’. Photography that offers the viewer a new look at the world through a different lens. A prime example would be the famous photograph of the New York City yellow taxi cabs in black and white, with only two or three of the cabs in yellow. It’s now a classic photo. It’s this “eye” that opens up a world of possibilities where to many, there might be a blank canvas.
Today, I am in discovery mode. I have found a new supplier of photos to glass and photos to metal and their work is exquisite. I feel like a kid in a new sandbox.